Hi, I am Donnette...

Today I introduced myself to a new KCU employee, Coach Fipps. There were several reasons for doing so, but the most important thing that happened had nothing to do with any of the reasons I approached him. This is a synopsis of our brief conversation.

"Hi, I am Donnette Bondurant...I don't know anything about football-well, I know this much (forefinger and thumb less than inch apart)...I love kids...I was a KCU football mom...I know the AD at a place close where young men are taught Christian character, if you are interested I can share the contact information with you...you will see me around...my tie to this place is the Men's Soccer Program, I work with Jeremy...I'll get that information to you..."

As I walked away I thought three distinct, new things.
1. I did not mention Bill. 
2. My ties to the school have become MY ties. 
3. And Bill would have loved Corey.


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