just when you think it can't get any worse....you might be surprised

previously I confessed I tolerate dirt better than clutter
this is the most normal section of my house

90% of my things are out of place

yesterday I sorted toys to make a dent in some of the madness
this is after purging and organizing

this morning I took apart some shelving I am not going to use again

I knew baseboards, stair parts and door casings were coming today
and I was so excited!
it brings us one step closer to taming the chaos

then it was unloaded 
and I seriously thought "I may lose my mind before this day is over"
it was a clear walkway 
not so much now
and the stack of stair parts is not pictured

I took a deep breath

and reminded myself-
look with eyes to see what is to come...

at their day's end
the library has all of it's flooring and baseboard!
I will have at least part of a room put together tonight

that is how I expected this post to end...
however I must share the beauty I received in the "inbetween" 
while my heart and mind and soul were working hard to be thankful

I did not see this coming!
I went to the mailbox mid-morning as usual
no bills 
no advertisements which is highly unusual
the only thing in it was this envelope

I suspected it might be more Valentine's Day (and everyday) love
and I was right!
TWO cards and homemade cookies-YUM
what my sweet friend didn't know
was that Charlie Brown was one of Bill's favorites
happy tears of remembrance today

another surprise!
just before noon I heard the doorbell
I was expecting to see the UPS man, not a florist

a gift from the sweet girl I visited with yesterday

as this day ends I am thankful for the power of love
and am reminded: don't get so caught up in the craziness that surrounds you
that you lose sight of the beauty that has been, is now and will be


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