sometimes progress is messy

progress is being made
if you came to my home right now
you would wonder how I could say that
because believe me, the clutter is EVERYWHERE
in addition to the stacks and stacks of hardwood
advan tech is in my entry hallway
there are two boxes with commodes in the kitchen
there are two boxes with pedestal sinks in the kitchen
there are paint cans and a bucket of drywall mud sitting out
actually, very few things are in their rightful place tonight
and last week at this time, at least the bedroom stuff was where it belonged
but what you don't see or notice
is the planning that took place
the behind the scenes work
the couches that are on order
the carpet and padding that was taken up
which included removing tack strip and staples
the tile and linoleum that was removed
the ceilings that needed painted
the walls that needed patched and primed and painted
the purging that has been done
the way things will be arranged

sometimes progress is hard to see
especially if we are not privy to the "master plan" 
or when we don't know what things looked like to begin with
or when we are somewhere in between
in between the thrill of beginning and the hope of finishing
and that is never more true than we are talking about people
so be kind and compassionate and encouraging and patient
to/with yourself
to/with others
because we definitely are not privy to the Master's plan 
but we can, without doubt, trust that He is making progress 


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