"How was your day?"

a simple question,
one I miss asking Bill 
one I miss him asking me 
so tonight as I sat in my cozy library I asked myself; 
"How was your day?"

"today was a quiet, restful day
a respite to savor
a chance to recharge
a lull to be thankful for
not because there was little noise, 
though there was not much since I was here alone,
not because there was a lack of work,
because there is plenty and I accomplished some big stuff
but because there was no overwhelming emotional turmoil"

not every day is like this,
it was exceptionally even-keeled 
in retrospect, almost eerily so
and I refuse to worry about what tomorrow may bring
because taking care of today is all that is expected of me

"... do not worry about tomorrow, 
for tomorrow will worry about itself. 
Each day has enough trouble of its own." Matthew 6:34


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