the work of grief

Grief is hard work.
It takes a lot of energy.

When I woke up this morning 
I ached from the inside out.

My heart hurt,
my body hurt.

So I did the only thing I know to do-
I allowed tears to fall and I cried out to the Lover of my soul.

He has faithfully provided all day.

I received cards from three people I would never have anticipated hearing from-
one from my childhood Sunday School teacher 
one from one of my KCU girls who is currently ministering overseas.
one from a couple whose tie to me was through a relationship that ended badly
Love from "the ends of the earth".

It was cloudy all day,
which was nice for the soccer game I watched,
but wasn't helpful for going to the cemetery for the first time.
We had to look at headstones to get an idea of what we are going to order. 
The sun shone bright the whole time we were there.

I have received phone calls or texts checking on me,
a few of my KCU kids  spent part of their evening with me and
the six I birthed are having a "take care of mom" planning session.
The grandchildren have asked if they could help
A friend brought a delicious dinner.

Resting in God's hand is a wonderful way to live.

Mathew 11:28
 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."


  1. I read your blogs and I think, "How true the Word of God is"! Even in the midst of your brokenness and heartache, I can clearly see the Grace of God holding you. You and your dear children continue to be in my prayers. Hugs! Karen Fraley


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