celebrations (and regret)

"Kate the Great" is getting married and her wedding shower is today.
Addi Bug is four today.
There is a "sprinkle" (mini shower) for Mia Rose while I am in Florida.

What do these three things have in common?
I love these people.
Each celebration is an opportunity to buy a gift and a card.

I've had Addi's gift for almost a year.
I recently purchased a gift for Miss Kate.
Yesterday I purchased gifts for Miss Mia at Target.

Cards are something I often forget until the moment I need one.
Thankfully I remembered to get one for Addi yesterday.
Regretfully I did not think to get one for Kate or Mia.

This afternoon as I wrapped gifts
I remembered something-
I have a card box!

When Beth and Sarah were home last week they saw it.
"A blast from the past" is what they called it
and reminisced about raiding it when they lived here.

I retrieved the box from the shelf.
I opened it and started going through the cards.
And was blindsided.

For the first time since Bill's death I was face to face with regret.
Because these three cards were still in the box.
Cards I bought for my husband.
To leave on his dresser or desk for him to find.
To surprise him and remind him I was crazy about him.

I never sent or gave them to him.
I had opportunities galore.
I don't know what I was waiting for.

I do know that regret is a heavy weight.
This afternoon it caused an ugly cry.
For the first time I cried so hard I vomited.

Life is full of opportunities to celebrate-
weddings, birthdays, babies,
special occasions.

One of the things we are prone to take for granted
but is certainly deserving of celebration
is long lasting, consistent, everyday love.

Take the time to tell someone you love them today.
Send the card or text or message.
Make a phone call.

Don't wait until it is too late.
As special as that ordinary box was, 
it and those cards have a new home.


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