Stone Soup Life

if you are not familiar with the story Stone Soup,
you can google it.

life is like stone soup 
it is made up of contributions by a variety of people
each addition makes a difference
and together it becomes richer than it could ever be separately

sometimes the sorrowful ache in my heart is intensified
by the longing to be wrapped in a safe hug
by the desire to sit with a comforting arm draped across my shoulders
by the emptiness of not having a hand to hold as I walk

sometimes the peace in my heart is intensified
by a sunset
by the sound of the wind
by an unexpected expression of love

sometimes the joy in my heart is intensified
by a song
by a memory
by a portion of scripture

sometimes the love in my heart feels so intense
I am convinced there is no possible way it could increase
and yet, somehow it continues to get bigger and deeper 
the only explanation I have is what you exercise grows stronger

stone soup life:
the sorrow,
the peace,
the joy,
the love,
all mixed together makes my life richer, especially when it is shared


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