old and new

"Friday fun facts" texted to my girls,
compliments of my Peach Snapple addiction.
Christmas decorating the Saturday before 
rather the Saturday after Thanksgiving.
Two new traditions.

Ruth and Kyle's daughter
Mia Rose.
Deborah and David's son
still unborn.
Two new family members.

Saturday evening I put out the nativity a couple made for us
before we left Ohio to come to Kentucky.
I couldn't do it last year.
I put up the tree a friend kindly loaned me last year,
and after Christmas told me to keep.
Tons of white lights, no ornaments this season.
A mix of old and new.

Thanksgiving plans up in the air,
compliments of Miss Mia.
No Christmas presents to wrap this year due to our beach trip, 
driven by the desire to fulfill a dream Bill and I had for years.
Two new situations.

Nothing stays the same.
It can't.
Life is a series of changes.
We get to choose what to hold tight to 
and what to let go of.
Experience. Embrace. Enjoy. Let go. Live. Love. More.


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