Soccer mom goals

This season
2 coaches
1 assistant coach
1 coach spouse
16 young women
24 young men
my soccer family

The goal of every competitive soccer team is to make it to Nationals. We accomplished our goal and will be competing this week.

Injuries are part of the game and when my "babies" hurt, I hurt. 
Injuries affect the team physically and mentally.
This year we have had more than our share:

  • concussions (at least 10)                                                        one severe enough the student had to withdraw
  • shoulder injuries (1 requiring surgery)
  • sprains
  • strains
  • a break
  • black eyes
  • knee issues
  • stress fractures
  • boots (6)
  • wrist braces (2)
  • back problems
  • pulled muscles

more painful is the broken hearts I see them dealing with

  • deaths-a sibling, grandparents, aunts, an uncle, a friend
  • parental separations/pending divorce
  • boys disrespecting my girls (grrrrr)
  • girls disrespecting my guys (grrrrr)
  • dreams shattered
  • relationships ended
  • futures uncertain
Some may wonder, with the pain in my life, why do I keep doing this?

It is really quite simple.
I love them.
I think God equipped me to be a mom.
He opened up this opportunity for me and has not closed the door
so how could I not keep at it?

In soccer, goals are the reason for the game.

This soccer mom has goals:
  • to show my kids Christ 
  • when the kids leave our program they will know what healthy love looks like
  • that they will know they are loved-
  • loved by me
  • but more importantly, loved by God
  • when they leave they will have a deeper relationship with God than they had when they started
  • that they will know what it looks like to live real life in Him, when life is "easy", with no problems and when life is hard and the darkness/pain seems like it will never end

This is my ultimate goal:
"I have no greater joy 
than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."
3 John 1:4


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