Jesus Prom

Joshua, Jeremy and Emily are friends with a couple whose ministry is working with mentally and physically challenged adults. A few years ago Gary and Stephanie began a yearly event called Jesus Prom. The Millers volunteer every year and invite KCU students to join them. Tonight was Jesus Prom 2015.

Help with hair, nails and makeup is offered.
A free limo ride is provided.
A meal is served.
Games are provided.
Karaoke is a popular activity.
There is dancing with a live DJ spinning tunes.
(I hope I said that right.)
Attendees are assigned an escort for the evening.

This was my first Jesus Prom.
I was looking for a low profile job.
Joshua found me one.
I helped Lois pour drinks from cans to cups.

Two college aged girls approached the curtained off drink area.
CG1 asked, "Do we have Sprite or Sierra Mist?"
"No, sorry. Just Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew and water."

CG2 said, "Just take them Mountain Dew."
CG1 hesitated, then put Mountain Dew on her tray.
As they were ready to round the corner I heard CG2 say,
"Do you really think they will even be able to tell the difference?"

Mentally I shook my head in disbelief at the ignorance of someone who seemed to be mentally competent.

Her arrogance was offensive.

White, hot anger flared in my heart. Honestly I really kind of wanted to yank CG2 by her hair off to a corner and give her a piece of mind. Except I can't afford to give any away. I need every bit that I have left. And it was not the time or place to make a scene and in my frame of mind it would have been an ugly scene.

In retrospect I wonder what her motivation was for being there.

  • Was she trying to impress someone?
  • Does she think it will look good on a resume?
  • Was this an opportunity to fulfill her "good deeds" quota?

I wish I would have had an opportunity to share a few things with her.

  • I am pretty certain that if someone has sense enough to ask for a specific drink they have a reason for asking.
  • Since the request was for Sprite or Sierra Mist they may have been avoiding caffeine.
  • These are people. Real people.
  • God created these people.
  • They are valuable. Every single one of them
  • Please, treat them with respect or don't bother coming.

After everyone was served I moved to the karaoke room.
When the last song was sung I moved on to the dance room.
(For observation purposes only.)
I watched people in both areas be themselves and do what they enjoyed with enthusiasm. I watched them cheer for one another.

I have had time to cool down.
And now my heart hurts for poor CG2.
I think she 
  • has a bigger challenge to overcome than any of the people she served dinner to
  • has less vision than the blind woman who ended the karaoke session by singing Jesus loves me acapella.
*****CG2's comment/attitude was the ONLY negative thing I saw all evening-and there were at least 100 other volunteers there. Jesus Prom 2015 was a wonderful experience.


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