give thanks

When I came downstairs this morning, 
this is the sight that greeted me
Ruth and Kyle preparing our Thanksgiving Dinner,
Mia Rose in her seat snoozing, making sweet newborn noises.

As I rounded the corner, 
this little guy came running at me
a huge smile on his face,
arms outstretched to wrap me up in a hug around my neck.

It has me thinking about how full my life is.

Some things remain the same. 
Bill will always be my first true love,
the one who most helped me get to know the love of my life, Jesus.
My children will always be my children,
their spouses give me the even dozen I wanted.
My family will always be my family,
grandparents, mom, dad, brothers, 
in-laws, aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews. 
Even though some are no longer with us here on earth, 
we are still family.

Some things change.
My grandchildren will always be my grandchildren,
but the number continues to increase
and one day they may give me great grandchildren.
I have had friends come and go,
and some have come back into my life.
I have friends that are family and will stick around forever.

My life is full of non people and non material "stuff"
belly laughs
aspirations fulfilled, 
aspirations yet to be realized

What I focus on 
has a huge impact on how I see my life
and while I cannot control the thoughts 
that randomly pop into my head
I can choose what I will think about and hold fast to.

"Finally, brothers, 
whatever is true, 
whatever is honorable, 
whatever is just, 
whatever is pure, 
whatever is lovely, 
whatever is commendable, 
if there is any excellence, 
if there is anything worthy of praise, 
think about these things. "
Philippians 4:8

I have much to be thankful for.
Today and every day
I will give thanks to Lord,
for He is good,
and His love endures forever.

These are a bonus I am sharing simply because they make me smile
this is the face I got last night
when I told him he could not have my phone

and I am not sure what prompted this face 


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