289/366 oops!

The numbers in my title indicate which day of the year it is. Occasionally, because I worry/am concerned about the accuracy of such things some would consider trivial, I google fact check my numbers. It's been awhile, so I checked last night and almost panicked. Friday October 16, 2020 was day 290 out of 366. There was a discrepancy. My post was 288/366. I know without a doubt I have written every night. It is one of the disciplines I'm practicing this year! "How did they get the count wrong?"  went through my head...quickly chased away by "Where did I lose two days?".

I scrolled back through my posts. Do you see what I did? Somehow in September, between 99 bottles of beer 267/366  and splinters hurting I managed to go from 267 to 268 back to 267 and then 268. I felt compelled to renumber the posts. A task that isn't difficult, but would require some time. In fact, I did renumber the second 267/366 to 269/366 so it would be correct. Then I changed it back. 

I don't know if I'll be able to live with this "hiccup" but that is my goal. It will be a discipline in not sweating the small stuff and choosing to spend my time on other things. We shall see how long this determination to not waste time lasts. Hopefully longer than my self imposed ban on playing Mahjong Tiles. I always say "just one game" and before I know it at least an hour has passed. Hours I can't recover spent doing something without a lasting benefit and I berate myself afterward...

Anyone else have this problem of getting sucked into mindless activity when there are plenty of other things you can/should be doing? They say confession is good for the soul. Maybe this will be my first step toward making better choices after supper, especially when I should be sleeping.

Psalm 90 talks about how quickly life passes...verse 12 seems appropriate today:
"So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom."

*the proper number will be in the title tomorrow 


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