rain walking 303/366

Some of my favorite, most helpful and healing conversations with God have taken place while I am walking through less than ideal conditions/situations, knowing I am not at my best, that there are holes in my life and I have no control over the rain that is falling, the wind that is blowing and the temperature that surrounds me, also knowing I have to keep walking to get to where I need/want to be.

Shoes squishing, hair frizzing, pants soaked, thankful for the new Columbia rain jacket that was keeping me warm and my upper body dry, I walked four miles today.

Praying. Pleading. Petitioning. Praising. 

God's Spirit reminding me of His past faithfulness. Of His trustworthiness. That His timing is perfect. Of the benefits of waiting and regrets of rushing ahead. That life is full of uphill and downhill journeys and both have their place in building confidence and strength and endurance and character. Of the importance of living, not just saying, "not my will, but Yours be done." That He loves me and cares for me. Of His kindness and gentleness and patience. That He sees me.

Today was a beautiful day for a walk and talk with the Love of my life. 


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