when helping hurts 288/366

well, this was new at the lake this week...

How many times, when the kids were little, did we take them to the lake to feed the ducks and geese? The kids enjoyed tearing the bread into bits, throwing it into the water and watching the birds race to see who would get to it first. It provided a way to get rid of stale bread without simply throwing it out and we thought we were helping the ducks and geese. Turns out we were wrong. Our "helping" wasn't helpful at all. What was fun for us was harmful to fowl and possible other humans if they didn't come prepared to share their food.

Tonight I wonder how many things I have done to be "helpful" that really were not helpful at all, but rather caused harm to my relationships. I almost wish there was sign that would pop up on people's foreheads when I was getting ready to do something damaging that said "please, don't...because..." 

If you are a friend of mine and there is something I do that causes you pain or injury, please, please, please, let me know. I'd rather be embarrassed temporarily while you educate me than continue causing harm in ignorance. 


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