the itsy bitsy spider 295/366


This morning as I sat on the porch swing working through emails and other computer responsibilities I saw something from the corner of my left eye. It was an itsy bitsy spider hanging by a thread. "Hanging by a thread" is something I can easily relate to. I reached for my phone to take a picture of the acrobat and in the process either broke his hold to the strand or disconnected the strand from whatever it was tethered to. The spider landed on my computer touchpad. Any other day, to be completely transparent, I would have had absolutely no qualms about squishing it with my thumb and wiping the remains on the leg of my jeans. But today, with the sun shining and fresh grief over death looming, I couldn't do it. Instead I gently blew it from the edge of my computer toward the floor. 

Today even the life of a small spider was infinitely precious  to me. 

It took several attempts to gently send it on it's way because it kept spinning a strand, somehow connecting it to my computer. I found myself mentally cheering it on, to spin a new strand and keep hanging on by that thread, just not from my device.

lesson: When something hits you, disrupting the course of your life, don't give up. Do what you were created to do. Hold fast to what you know to be true. And keep holding on, even if life is spinning and you feel like you are free falling. As long as you are anchored to Jesus, even a thread of faith is strong enough to connect and hold you.

Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering,
 for He who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23


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