Father and son moment 298/366

Benjamin, 6 years old, is playing JLF for the first time this fall. Jonathan played soccer and baseball, football is new to his repertoire too. I got to watch Benjamin play for the second time this morning. He is on the far side of the line, bent at the waist, down and ready for the play to begin. (It's a little difficult to see him because he wore his black jacket and wore long pants because it was cold and damp.) His daddy, my son Jonathan, and I stood on the sidelines chatting, watching the action.

I don't know what he saw in Benjamin's behavior or attitude that I missed, but suddenly Jonathan said "I'll be back, I need to talk to him real quick." 

I stood and watched a daddy who loves his children walk out to his son, gently pull him aside for privacy and get down on his son's level to speak to him. Not loudly, not harshly, not impatiently. I couldn't hear what was spoken, but I know they were words of instruction or correction or encouragement or affirmation. It was received well and Benjamin played even better. All day my heart has gone back to this, so very thankful this is not an isolated event, but a typical example of how my son invests in his family. A mirror of the way our heavenly Father deals with His children.


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