the day after 300/366

I received a text this afternoon from a friend:

knowing she is staying with her friend for a few days I sent this reply:

 It's advice based off of what would have been/is helpful to me when I am the one reeling. It's advice I'd offer to anyone who isn't sure what to do for someone they love who is facing a huge life change. 


you can't "fix it" for them, so don't try

be intentionally present

don't be offended when they need time to themselves

when they rest, you rest and do something that is healing for yourself because you can't give to others what you don't have 

don't be shocked by behavior that is out of character (their normal has been turned inside out and they are being forced to figure out how to "re-route")

keep extra kleenex in your pocket

offer a hug, but don't take offense if it isn't welcomed

impossible promises, grand platitudes-neither is healthy or helpful for either of you

I cannot stress enough how powerful it is to simply pray, listen and be available


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