things we do for love 302/366

Why would anyone leave their home at 11:15 AM to ride in a KCU school van for 3 1/2 hours one way, sit in a gym on bleachers for an hour for a COVID screening, then outside in a drizzling rain, that is predicted to become a real rain, for an hour before two University soccer games, one with a start time of 5, the other 7:30 knowing supper is pizza and home ETA is 1:30-2:00 AM when they aren't related to anyone? 

Me. And this is a quick trip as far as away games go that seems even quicker because it is the only one I'll take this year due to COVID restrictions/precautions. I've missed travelling with these people. Even the long drives and overnight stays and fast food meals for two days in a row. 

Why? This is part of my tribe. I love these young adults. Coaches and players.


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