chasing perfection

momma's, daddies, aunt's, uncle's, grandparents, godparents, foster parents, teachers, day care workers, next door neighbors, mentors, social workers, all adults who are surrounded by children or have an opportunity to speak into a child's life-
I see you.
what you are doing is invaluable

I know it can be hard
I know it can be frustrating
I know the to do list is never ending
I know the smudges happen
I know the messes can be upsetting
I know the laundry is never caught up (unless y'all are going naked, there's always going to be something else to wash)
I know the clutter can be maddening
I know the pressure to keep up with everything can be oppressive
I know the expectations can be unrealistic-
            the ones others put on you
the ones you put on yourself 
                   and the ones put on those kids

How do I know? I've been there. I raised six newborn babies to adulthood and while some semblance of order is helpful and there are schedules that need to be kept and work to be done, quit punishing yourself and them by thinking "it" has to be perfect. 

news flash:
there is no perfect child, not even mine and I think they are extraordinary
there is no perfect adult, not even you
there is no perfect house
no perfect time or environment, at least not on this side of heaven

only if you choose that perspective.
only if you choose that perspective.
the one thing that needs, 
without a doubt, 
to be done right 
so the rest of the mess that isn't right 
is minimized? 

love them well

point them to Jesus 
show them how to follow the only perfect One
know Him, love Him and mature in Him yourself
because regardless of their ages
they are watching
they are learning
they may not choose to make the same choices you make,
but you will have modeled what chasing true perfection looks like 
and that is the perfect way to live 

"Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us." 
1 John 4:11-12


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