rest, child

I prayed

I asked others to pray

we waited

a clear answer came last Wednesday with a plan A and a plan B

I shared the answer with my prayer warriors

plan A was greatly affirmed

I was encouraged, confident

until some information surfaced

critical information that made plan A seem impossible

I did some research of my own

yep, it was very clear plan A was not going to work out

another way was necessary

plan B required probably months of waiting

I fretted Wednesday evening

I prayed

I asked for my prayer warriors to come alongside me

I was offered a valid plan C (1) Wednesday night

I was offered a valid plan C (2) Friday morning

I went into the weekend shakily confident the right plan would come together

we continued to pray

Monday morning God made possible what looked impossible for the last four days

Plan A is a go

I cried tears of thanksgiving and praise, comforted and chastised

I hear my Father, loud and clear, gently whispering:

"Rest, child, I've got you" 


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