I love my snow man

sometimes love is picking up a snow shovel
"A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another. By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John 13:34-35

This guy.
I wanted to take a picture but he wasn't having it,
so I am compromising.

I am beyond thankful God put this man in my life.
He is one of my adopted sons. 
This one has roots here so he won't be moving away like my others do.
Church brought us together.
We visit regularly to talk about what Jesus is doing and how we can join Him.

This morning he ran an errand I was supposed to run,
came to the house for a chat and to leave some reading material,
and brought my mail to the door so I wouldn't have to go out.
After he left I went back to work sorting legos so I wouldn't twitch.
About an hour later I heard a noise.

Upon investigation I found him cleaning snow from my steps.
He'd cleaned what he could of the snow from my car,
shovelled the driveway,
and asked if I had salt so he could put it where there was ice.
He wanted to make sure that if I needed to get out today I would be able to.

God just keeps sending reminders of how He provides-
not only what I need,
but often more than what I need.


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