outstanding debt...

my primary credit card bill arrived Monday

I looked at it closely today

  • Christmas
  • regular expenses
  • car insurance for 6 months
  • house insurance for a year

all adds up to somewhere between "wow! and zing!" 
(that's a White Christmas reference for my kids)

Tuesday afternoon I read the fine print,

the boxes that explain what happens if you don't pay the balance in full:

  • if I choose to pay $35 a month, the minimum amount due:
  • it will take me 12 years to pay it off and I will end paying an extra $2,729.88
  • if I pay $111 a month:
  •  it will take me 3 years to pay it off, "saving me" $1,968 from the 12 year plan, but still cost me an extra $761.88

and that is only if I don't add to the balance due!

it is easy to see how quickly people can get in over their heads 

thankfully, I am able to budget and these aren't unexpected expenses

the bill is already scheduled to be paid in full

am I rich?

maybe not financially,

but I am in experience

I was married to a man who lived by a few simple rules: 

  • make a realistic budget
  • wants are not needs
  • if you can't pay for it, don't buy it

live like no one else is living now:
not having what others had and not doing what others were doing?
it wasn't easy
it could be frustrating 
sometimes it was embarrassing
but now?
that discipline paid off 
I am enjoying financial freedom,
I am able to live like very few people can

Romans 13:7 was a verse Bill led us to live by

"Pay to all what is owed them: taxes to whom taxes are owed, revenue to whom revenue is owed, respect to whom respect is owed, honor to whom honor is owed."

And now I can live by Romans 13:8

"Owe no one anything, except to love one another, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law." 


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