hidden in plain sight

I don't know how people work 8 hours (or more) in a 24 hour period, outside of their home. Especially if they do it day after day. This morning I left my house a few minutes after 9. Meetings, errands, and the Mission Thrift Store filled my hours until 5. As I was leaving, Anita asked about my supper plans. I told her I wasn't hungry. I hadn't been home and I was tired. Bone tired. I am not used to that much thinking and peopling. My only plan was to go to my house and put my feet up. When I walked outside I noticed how warm it was. The sun was bright, the sky brilliant blue. So off to the lake I went to watch the sunset. Couch sitting could wait.

The dam must have been open because the spillway water was up. It took me a few minutes to recognize I was hearing something different. It was the water, rushing past, reminding me of the ocean. Restful. Calming. Restorative. Its music was filling my ears. The sky was filling my eyes. The crisp, fresh smell of the air was filling my nose and lungs. My senses were feasting. This was what I needed to end my day with, especially when the clouds began changing to cotton candy pinks and blues.

48 in the sun is significantly warmer than 48 after the sun goes down. By 5:45 I was cold and ready to head home. A can of soup sounded delicious. As I approached town I saw emergency vehicle lights at a road Anita sometimes takes home. There'd been an accident. I was scared. I called to make sure she was safe at home and received an offer from Tiffany and Garrett I couldn't refuse: pork chops and time with their family. Things that would satisfy a hunger food can't touch.  

Tiffany gave me a gift Kristy had left. It's large enough to hold my next can of soup.
My evening looked nothing like what I wanted or planned.
But God.
He had so much more for me than I could have thought or imagined.

sometimes  love can be disguised:
as a sunset
or cotton candy pink and blue clouds
or rushing water
or crisp air
or a pork chop
or a mug

it can be in any one of a million and one other things,
hidden in plain sight
and therefore, 

But when our eyes are opened, when we recognize it and are willing to not only receive it, but open it and accept it as the priceless treasure it is, our hearts and our souls are satisfied.

Love is a beautiful thing, regardless of the form it takes.


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