why put off to tomorrow?

the only thing worse than finding a dead mouse under the sink?
hearing SNAP
scuffle, scuffle, scuffle
knowing what it means

this is where I was sitting-
cozy under that blanket,
until I heard those unmistakable sounds

it was dark
it was cold
I couldn't "deal" with possible writhing
so I ignored the reality,
and continued reading,
knowing I would have to deal 
but willing and able to put it off until "tomorrow"

I knew what to expect this morning-
that problem wouldn't take care of itself
I had to face it 
and resolve it
or live with the truth that something dead was under my sink

the trap that sits ever ready to the left of that pb jar was missing
I didn't have to look far to find the victim
he was no longer writhing 

moral of the story:
Sometimes it's okay to put off until tomorrow what you can't deal with today. But if you choose to put it off, do so knowing you can't put "it" off forever because "It" won't get fixed or cleaned up or removed by itself. If you need to take a minute so you have the strength to take care of "It", take the time and use whatever resources you need to use. Sometimes it means calling in reinforcements (like when I called Daniel to come take care of an opossum or Aaron to take care of a cat). Sometimes, what you choose to do to take care of an issue might appear wasteful-but don't let that deter you from doing what you have to do. (ie only half the trash bag is full, but that's the mouse's burial shroud and I did not want death lingering in my home so I took it to the outside garbage can.) 
Long story short:
Sometimes it's okay to put off until tomorrow what you could do today.


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