dragon slayer

For the last three weeks I've been trying really hard to not put junk in my body. Overall, though the scales don't reflect my better choices, I have indeed made them. And the cravings are getting fewer and farther apart. I have said no to ice cream every day for three weeks. That's unheard of-if it's in the freezer it ends up in my belly and on my body frame. I did choose a fruit smoothie to replace it one night and a frozen gogurt another day. 

And then came this evening. Innocently, I agreed to go watch a basketball game. As soon as I sat down in the gym they started. Memories of untold hours spent at the gym, accompanied by the taste for the supper of champion parents. Cravings for a pepsi, chips and a candy bar were shouting my name. Loudly. Above the referee's whistle, the sound of tennis shoes squeaking on the floor and the annoying buzzer.

I had cash. A rarity.

And today, well today I had won't power. Enough to say I won't get the Pepsi. I won't get the chips. I won't get a candy bar. Even though I could. Today I slayed a dragon.


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