Ashley, covered in prayer

When I came home from the hospital after Bill died I could not sleep.
I called my doctor.
He called in a prescription.
One of my kids picked it up for me.
I used that little pill to help me sleep for about six months.

Now, without it, I get about six uninterrupted hours of sleep a night, 
not enough to thrive, but enough to keep going. 
I rarely wake up, and if I do, I quickly fall back to sleep.

Ashley and those grieving with her have been heavy on my heart.
I prayed for them before going to sleep Thursday night.
Fell asleep fairly quickly and easily.
And woke up at 2:48 AM. 
Wide awake.
With an urgency to pray, so I did.
Then I felt the need to text her but did not have her number.

I remembered I had the number of a friend I thought was with her.
I debated.
I hoped she was sleeping and did not want to chance waking her.
I sent a FB message, thinking that was a safe option.
I thought it would allow me to go back to sleep.
It did not.
The urgency only increased.
I have learned from past experiences, to just "go with it."
So I sent the text.
(My messages are in the green bubbles.)

I was hoping she would see it when she woke up.
That she would know I meant it when I said text or call anytime.
The good news is that I did not wake her.
I got this response immediately:
I was not surprised she did not know who it was. 
We had exchanged numbers just a few hours before.
I did not expect her to have added me to her contacts yet.
I got this response next:
What in the world?
I had texted a stranger in the middle of the night!
I was embarrassed, even though I did not know who it was.
I was hoping I had not awakened them.
Then I got this text:

I figured that since I had already opened this can of worms
I may as well finish strong
so I replied,
hoping that the unknown person would be less annoyed
once they knew why I had bothered them at 2:55 AM:

This was the last text I received.

I cried happy, thankful tears, praising God for the way He works.
I got one digit wrong when I entered the contact information.
God used my error to add to the prayer warriors working at 3 AM.
I don't think that is the only time the stranger will intercede.
Ashley, day and night you and your babies are covered in prayer.


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