
as I sit alone on the couch in the quiet of this Sunday afternoon
I hear:
a clock ticking away the moments
the air conditioning unit working to keep my home comfortable
traffic on Carole Malone
I see:
things that were not here a year ago
the wind gently move the porch swing
signs that grandchildren live here

if I listen closely enough,
if I look hard enough,
I hear the echoes 
and see the evidences of days gone by:
when the house was full
of our children
of their friends
of Bill coming home from work
and the memories make my heart smile
the gift of a loving family is a wonderful thing

Ruth and Kyle's wedding Dec. 29, 2012
We have since added Benjamin (Jonathan and Jess)
and Xavier (Ruth and Kyle)
Two babies are coming Thanksgiving week 2015.
Deborah and David are expecting a boy.
Ruth and Kyle are expecting a girl.


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