goodbye One Woman's Journey

I always publish my blog to google and then share it on FB.
I always check to make sure it has posted correctly.
I know what it should look like.
I also check the overview stats.

I have been busy with soccer today.
I finished today's post just as we were pulling in to eat dinner on our way home so I quickly shared the information and closed my computer.

Back on the bus with several hours to go before we reach home I now have time to check and make sure there were no problems with posting.

Google looks good.

Facebook-wait, that picture isn't right.
And where is the title of today's blog? 
And why is my "intro info" different?
this is what it should be 

(sorry, bus travel makes taking a clear photo difficult).

One Woman's Journey:title varies
"Each of us is on a journey. Mine is no more important than yours. I am a writer, writers write. This space gives me a place to share some of what I see,hear and learn on this incredible journey called life."
This is what it looks like tonight.
One Woman's Journey
"Life is an incredible gift and journey. Ups, downs, pain, joy, hope, grief, healing. This is an electric journal of my journey."

I did not write that.

So I went to the stats section of blogger.

The chart that shows page views today says there were 
42 views of my page today.

this chart shows my posts that have been viewed today.

I am not a math major or a computer whiz, 
but something tells me there is a problem here
I googled One Woman's Journey blogs
there are many with that title, 
the most interesting was this:

One Woman's Journey - Blogger

3 days ago - Life is an incredible gift and journey. Ups, downs, pain, joy, hope, grief, healing. This is an electronic journal of my journey.

One Woman's Journey-Blogger, is correct, 
but I did not write anything 3 days ago except the post about my friend who is grieving the loss of her husband and her courage. 

To whom it may concern:
I do not know who you are or how you have managed to redirect and claim my posts as your own, 
but this is the last one you will have the opportunity to steal from me.
I am angry.
I am hurt.
I am sad.

"Each of us is on a journey. Mine is no more important than yours. I am a writer, writers write. This space gives me a place to share some of what I see, hear and learn on this incredible journey called life."

I will not allow you to claim my story as your own.

I will figure out a way to keep writing and sharing.
But until then,
this One Woman's Journey ends here.


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