game plans and game changers

Sports is built into the Bondurant Family DNA.
We like to play.
We like to watch.
We like to compete.
We like to win.

As I watched our men's soccer team play today I began to think.
We have 24 men on our team.
You only play 11 on the pitch.
That means there are a lot of guys on the sidelines.
I have learned a lot about the game and life from the sidelines.

Our team is full of different types of young men.
Those whose plan to play college soccer has gone as expected.
Those who have an accurate estimation of their abilities.
Those who don't.
Those who have earned a spot as a starter.
Those who are one of the first off the bench.
Those who are off the bench because they are running balls.
Those who used to start, but now do not.
Those who may never start.
Those who have been injured.
Those who are injured.
Those who have recovered and rehabbed properly.
Those who play because the game seems to be in their blood.
Those whose reason for playing I am still trying to discover.

I watch each one of them.
I see their attitudes.
I hear their talk.

Do you know who I enjoy watching most?

It is not the ones with the most talent, natural or acquired.

The ones I enjoy the most are the ones who:
Practice hard and smart every day-regardless of their skill level.
Keep working, even though they have never started a game.
Don't blame their level of play on a ref's calls.
Or on a teammates performance.
Arrive and leave with a good attitude.
Consistently show up-mentally, emotionally and physically.
Encourage their teammates.
Have respect and show it by the way they talk about and treat
the coaches
their teammates
the officials
the fans
These are the young men I consider game changers, whether they play 90 minutes 
or 90 seconds 
or not at all.

Life is not a game but... 
we all have a "game plan".
An idea of what winning at living looks like.

How we react when we face
unforeseen circumstances
an "off day"
dirty players
bad calls
reveals our true character.

Integrity matters.

Today gave me another helpful, visual picture of my life.
Bill's death changed my game plan.
It did not take me out of the game.
I am injured, recovering, rehabbing.
I can still practice, compete, contribute, play.

The victory, because of Jesus, is already mine.


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