Ashley, a young woman of courage

weakling, coward
that is me
those two words
make all the difference in the world

I woke up knowing this day
held several things that would not get done without God

subject to change at any moment
because I just didn't know...

should I go or not
I had to leave early for an appointment in Morehead

I like her, a lot, but paperwork -not so much
I had to change my marital status and contact information 

it's been awhile
I did not like the reason I was heading there

The day began 
read Ephesians 3
a perfect reminder of the power God has and works in me

Chapel worship songs 
"You make me brave..., You make me brave..."
"Christ alone, Cornerstone, weak made strong in the Savior's love..."

Chapel worship.
Cody, black canvas, white paint.
After three songs a depiction of Jesus was done.

what can I say?
I survived, with only a few tears

no directional errors
arrived right when I needed to be there

prayers for wisdom and strength
long, slow walk across the parking lot 

Men holding flags
in honor of Jeremy's military service.
They open the doors for me to enter the funeral home.

breath deeply
two visitations going on 
read the signs, go in the right direction

sign the registry
potty break 
enter "the room"

there she is,
young, beautiful, full of life
there is her daughter, in a Belle dress, her daddy's princess

a long hug
a few tears
shared words

she made the rounds,
greeting people, accepting their sympathy,
and knew where her children are if they were not with her

tonight as I reflect on the day 
I am reminded that courage is not a lack of fear
rather, it is facing fear and doing what needs to be done 

I witnessed courage today-
in the young widow
in her parents
in his parents
in her friends 
in the men holding the doors
in the two Marines assigned to care for her


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