"Umbrella Dad"

I saw this photo on Facebook today and clicked the link to read the story behind it. View image on Twitter (click to read the story.)
It was taken and posted by a man struck with the beauty of a dad sacrificing his comfort to protect his son.

I glanced through the comments.
One that stood out to me was a dissenter who said,
"the dad could have picked up the boy 
and carried the umbrella and they would have both been dry"

My immediate thought was 
"haters gonna hate, love anyway"

That was quickly followed by 
"we don't know the story behind the picture"

what if-
the dad was more concerned about his son feeling grown up, 
allowing him to walk by himself, than he was about staying dry?

the dad has a bad back and can't carry his son.

I wonder how heavy the briefcase is- and the boy isn't tiny.
Could he hold the umbrella and carry both and anyone be dry?

perhaps it isn't his son at all, 
he may be a good Samaritan trying to keep a little boy dry

I probably will never know the story behind the photo.

What I do know 
is this photo inspires me-
to love lavishly, 
to give selflessly,
to be thankful for selfless people,
to pray for those who don't "get it"

Countless are the times my heavenly Father does this for me.


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