anniversary flowers and dinner 220/366

year six without Bill and for the first time I was ready
I wanted to celebrate my anniversary,
like really celebrate,
not merely make it through 
or half heartedly make an attempt to celebrate the day

I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to do that,
especially without blubbering my way through,
not that tears are bad, they simply make things more complicated
but I was determined to find a way to do something out of the ordinary
and to fill at least part of the day with "happy" as well as joy

maybe I would go to Walmart
I could get myself some flowers
perhaps find a small cake or other sweet that looked good
maybe I'd find a pair of earrings or other gift for myself
I might even pick up dinner from somewhere

But God had other things planned
when I got home from my walk,
this was on my porch waiting for me from some dear friends
happy filled my soul
and love wrapped my heart in a big ole' hug that squeezes everytime I look at them

I wished I could be on a beach
COVID and not knowing if I am ready to go on my own quite yet nixed that 
But God, as I sat on my porch yesterday afternoon,
sent a breeze and a smell in the air that reminded of being at the ocean
so I closed my eyes, inhaled deeply and pretended

texts, calls and messages of love and support and prayers kept me company all day
I went to Aldi for fresh fruits and vegetables
on the way home I was trying to decide about dinner
But God had plans for that too
a couple called, they wanted to take me out to Texas Roadhouse

I must say,
He had a much more lavish plan than I did!
Thank you family, 

and thank you friends,
your love made my anniversary a beautiful day of celebration


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