Prayer in the City debut 225/366

Often while I walk in the morning, I pray.
If I am not praying I am either singing worship music
or trying to bring a semblance of order to thoughts churning in my head.

Last Monday afternoon in the middle of my walk I stopped to talk to two young men. In the course of the conversation a friend who was on her daily walk stopped and asked if she could pray with us. Afterward one of the young men asked us "How many people do you think y'all can get together to pray?"

I was stunned into silence. I know lots of people who pray-but, to get together?
Hesitantly I said, "I don't know. I can think of 5 or 6 right off the top of my head."
The four of us talked about how people are hurting and the city needs prayer. 

We parted company, each to go about the business of fulfilling our responsibilities, but the relevancy of the question echoed in my heart and did not let me go about my business undistracted for the rest of the day.  "How many people...this city needs prayer...what would it look like to have a group gather to pray..." Addressing  these things seemed to become my responsibility as God gently prodded me.

Our city is hurting. 
To be honest, it isn't just my city.
Your city is hurting too. 

By Tuesday I couldn't shake the idea; "What if we have a community prayer gathering. An outdoor, public "event" (for lack of a better word) where Believers can gather and pray, sing, read some Scripture and pray some more. Not tied to any church or organization, simply believers getting together, kind of like a family reunion, without all the yummy food. Because if you believe Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, who lived a sinless life and was crucified, buried and rose from the dead, defeating death and sin so we can be forgiven of our sins and have a relationship with God, you are my brother or my sister. We are family. And healthy families pull together, especially in difficult times. 

Wednesday I contacted a friend to look over my thoughts.
That led to a name for the event that was easier than "community prayer gathering."
Which in turn led me to the City Building to get a permit for Prayer in the City.

Our first of four gatherings was tonight. Everything came together too quickly and too easily and too smoothly to be "my" ideas and doings, God definitely orchestrated this. We began with a prayer of thanksgiving, incorporating part of Psalm 136 as a responsive reading. We sang Amazing Grace, all seven verses. We had a time of directed individual prayer. We closed with a prayer of petition-for protection and healing and unity before some of us went on a prayer walk. 25 adults and 3 children gathered together tonight. It was beautiful. I am looking forward to the next three weeks of Prayer in the City. I am thankful for the people who couldn't attend but were praying. 
I love it when the family gets together.


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