no storm lasts forever 214/366

I have watched three storm fronts roll through Grayson this afternoon/evening
or maybe it was just one with three waves,
regardless, there's been lots of thunder, heavy rain and lightening flashes
it was awe inspiring to watch the first one approach,
the clouds tumbling over one another like a litter of puppies wrestling, 
hearing the thunder deeply rumble,
seeing the sky light up
the wind was driving a heavy rain sideways,
and a mist blew onto my porch from both ends 
chasing me to the middle, near the house if I wanted to remain semi dry

it's no secret I enjoy thunderstorms
but today my heart was a little sad as I watched it move north
because two people I love were having an outdoor wedding  in that direction
and I knew, because I was in the middle of it, what was heading their way
I was powerless to redirect it
but I could pray 
so I did

today's weather has felt like a representation of 2020
storms blowing in
one after the other
powerless to stop them
I sit and watch 

knowing that no storm lasts forever, 
and above those clouds is a clear, blue sky
I pray for those in the path who have no option but to ride it out
I pray for those who must pick up the pieces
I pray for the least possible damage
I search for what is beautiful 
and focus on thanking God that I face nothing alone,
even if I am by myself
while the rain falls
and the wind blows
and the thunder rolls


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