roots matter 226/366

tonight I joined a new group of people for Bible study focused on these two verses:

"So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6&7

it was a rich time of vulnerability 
sharing struggles, doubts, questions and hardships
sharing how to grow in Christ

receive Christ Jesus as Lord
we all want Him to be our Savior, to rescue/deliver us from sin. Often the struggle comes from our hesitancy or flat out refusal to make Him Lord, but we cannot have one without the other. He is both Savior and Lord.

continue to live in Him
it isn't a one time confession or decision, it is a daily relationship. How do we make that happen? Some key habits include: Reading the Bible, daily. Praying. Practicing what we learn as we read. Finding ways to connect to like minded believers.

be rooted in Him
not the church or religious activity or good deeds or society's expectations. Stress and hardship and pain reveal where our roots are.

be built up in Him
allow your life to be driven/directed by the truth of who He says you are, not popular opinion or what other believers are or are not doing

strengthened in your faith 
as we practice making Him Lord, as we grow in our relationship with Him, as we draw our nutrients from and sink our trust in Him

you will overflow with thankfulness
there is nothing sweeter or more fulfilling than a growing, intimate relationship with God and it is made possible to anyone who wants that, through Jesus

thank you Iowa State University Extension for this graphic

PS. your root system may not look like your friends,
that's okay,
just as long as you have a healthy one...


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