don't miss the present 222/366

I have learned to be thankful for any and all time spent with people I love. This past week, looking back at FB memories from six years ago has been surreal and I have approached that option with a measure of trepidation because now I know what I didn't know then: it would be the last August 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. that I would have with Bill. His unexpected, sudden death has made me appreciate life more and I live aware that moments are not to be taken for granted.

today my baby girl arrived at my house close to noon
she will leave tomorrow before noon
and we are taking full advantage of these less than 24 hours together
because we realize there is no guarantee of a "next time"
to make a memory
to give or receive a hug 
to speak a kind word
to take a picture
to be silly 
to laugh 
to dance

it is a valuable gift to know how to enjoy and celebrate the present


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