Kudzu 235/366

this is kudzu 
kudzu is a fun word to say
but the vine is not so fun to deal with

(thank you Columbia University, Nature Conservancy for this synopsis)
Why is it harmful? 
It is an incredibly damaging invader. Known to grow a foot a day in the summer season, kudzu vines grow up to 100 ft long and can quickly smother trees, houses, power lines, and anything else that stands in its way. Tolerant to both drought and frost, its hardiness allows it to remain dominant and outcompete other plants. 
Forests can be completely overrun by the plant in as little as two or three years, resulting in lower biodiversity and productivity. 
Methods of control: 
Controlling this widespread invader isn't easy. To effectively eradicate it from an area, it's complicated root system must be destroyed. Many states have tried herbicides with varying results—it can take up to ten years of repeated application to finally kill a kudzu plant...

Early this week while I was driving to Ashland I noticed hillsides on Route 60 covered with Kudzu. It was raining so I did not stop to take a picture, but the invasive qualities of it have been on my mind since then. Today I made that trek again and on my way home I pulled into a lot to snap the photo above. All afternoon evening I have been considering how quickly it grows, the havoc it wreaks left unchecked and comparing it to things in my life that need to be dealt with lest they overrun and smother me.

to name a few:
flares of anger 
envy and jealousy 
self justification/excuse making
unrealistic expectations

these, and all other sins, 
need to be identified, acknowledged and dealt with appropriately 
as soon as I notice them,
they grow, exponentially,
and the longer they are ignored or admired or tolerated
the more difficult it is to eradicate them 
and left unchecked, 
they will smother out what is good and life giving

"And remember, when you are being tempted, do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong,and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires, which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death." James 1:13-15 NLT


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