dancing with God 217/366

"Have you ever danced with God? Sometimes in my mind, I imagine I'm at a Father/Daughter dance with God. Yesterday was one of those days. In my mind He's twirling me and I'm giggling so hard I nearly lose my balance, but He always catches me. He's laughing too and we're having the best time." (Kimberly Brooks Bynes)

A friend posted this on FB yesterday and as I read it I smiled, from the inside out picturing what that looked like. I commented that I have never danced with God, but that it was now part of my plan for the night. It would be a treat, my reward after all my chores were done. Under the stars sounded like a beautiful and perfect time.

It got dark. I found a star and closed my eyes, imagining myself standing before God. 
And tears started rolling down my face. 
I have never danced. 

As I sat on my porch swing, my heart cried crocodile tears as I pictured me stepping on my Father's feet like I have seen in videos of little girls stepping on their daddies feet. I never had that. I pictured His arm around my waist as a picture of the couple who got married Saturday went through my head. Bill and I never danced. And I told God, "I'm afraid. I've never danced. I've wanted to. But I have never been brave enough try. I don't know what to do. I don't want to look foolish. I don't want to mash Your toes."

And I heard a gentle whisper, wooing me, "Oh child, come close. Put your feet on top of Mine, I am strong enough for that. Lean in and let Me hold you tight. I won't let you fall. Hear those crickets? They are making music for us. Trust Me. Follow My lead. I won't let you go. And if you stumble? I'll catch you. Relax, let's enjoy this dance." And I did.

It was getting close to 11pm and I was contemplating calling it a night when I saw a flash in the sky. I know it was heat lightening, but since I was still dancing with God I prefer to think of it as a heavenly being capturing on film the joy of our first dance. If you've never imagined dancing with God, I highly recommend you give it a try. 
It's definitely going to become a regular part of my life.

Little girl dancing with her dad. | Dance, Family photos, Learn to ...
never turn down a dance with your little girl.Riley LOVES to dance Father Daughter Photography, Father Daughter Photos, Father Daughter Dance, Dance With You, Lets Dance, Girl Photography, Children Photography, Dad N Me, Little Girl Dancing


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