be careful what you ask for 216/366

I introduced myself to the organizer of the BLM protests and marches several weeks ago, right before things snowballed in a not so positive direction. When things began to go in a direction opposite of what he had expressed to me in our initial conversation I began praying for another opportunity to speak with him. For more than two weeks, everyday, especially as I walk my three miles in the morning, I have prayed that if God wanted me to talk to Him that He would provide an opportunity. 

The answer I received was no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...
at least I thought that was the answer. In reality it was not yet, not yet, not yet....

This morning in my first lap around KCU I saw Dee, but he was in a large group of friends. Even though I was tempted, I knew it was a "this is not the time to approach him" answer. As I continued to walk, I continued to pray. On my final loop around KCU campus I saw Dee and one friend of his walking toward me. I knew it was "go time". Long story short, out of that conversation was birthed my next step of obedience. I and a few friends will be hosting weekly outdoor community prayer gatherings to cover our city over these next weeks that Dee has protests and marches planned. 

Time and place will be announced as soon as I make appropriate arrangements. If you are in Grayson you are warmly invited to join us. This will be a time of praise and prayer, no talk of politics or agendas. There will also be an opportunity to walk and pray. If you can't join us in person you're invited to join us in praying from wherever you are. 

“Forget the former things;
    do not dwell on the past.
See, I am doing a new thing!
Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?
I am making a way in the wilderness
and streams in the wasteland."
Isaiah 43:18&19


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