storytelling 231/366

words, stories, books
they have always held attraction and importance to me
I have written for years
I think the only thing better than reading a story is telling or listening to a story
I have great storytellers in my family and when we are together stories flow nonstop

origins, inspiration, backgrounds for stories can come from anywhere
I don't remember how the saga of Falling Rock began with my kids
I also don't know what sparked the memory that led to sharing it with my grandkids

but finding this bookend and it's mate
led to adding a character-
Falling Rock's baby sister, Babbling Brook

today I went to Walmart to look for an umbrella to hook to my lawn chair
two hours a day at soccer practice in the sun is hot and not good for my skin
remodeling has things scattered at the store,
but searching for the umbrella led to something I didn't know I needed 
until I saw it and there was no doubt it was coming home with me

a teepee tent?
that is an essential purchase if I ever saw one
especially since Falling Rock and Babbling Brook are already members of the family

Long, long ago, in a place far away, your great, great, great, great grandfather was born to the Great Chief and his wife. As a toddler he was not coordinated, and he earned the name Tripping Pebble. He grew, tall and strong, like all the other Indian boys in his village...


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