guns make me nervous 215/366
I took a gun safety class years ago because Jonathan and Andrew wanted to take it and the instructor was one student short of being able to offer it. I did not grow up around guns and they scare me. I thought the class would alleviate that fear, and to a point it did. I have even fired a gun, several times, because it was a requirement for passing the class. The education I received was good, but it did not change my mind, I want no part of owning a gun. When I opened my front door at 10 AM last Sunday there were 4 armed men coming up the sidewalk past my house because of the information that had been shared about who was supposed to show up and what might happen during the BLM protest and march scheduled for 2PM. My aversion to guns kept me from walking.
Another protest/march was scheduled for 2 today. At 11 there were very few people out and about so I decided it would be safe to get in my walk. As I traveled, I prayed over the route, the day and sang worship music. As I entered the home stretch I noticed a few people had gathered at the Veterans Park at the top of Main Street. I smiled and made eye contact with a gentleman standing at the entrance, but there was no smile in return. He was focused. As I rounded the last big corner toward home I saw a man sitting in a folding chair under a tree. As I got closer I noticed a rifle leaned against the arm of his red chair. Once again, I smiled and made eye contact, trying to convey I was a friend, not a foe. When I was within a few feet he spoke.

"It's a nice day to get in those steps." I agreed. As an afterthought I said over my shoulder, "be safe today" and as the words were coming out of my mouth I "heard" the Spirit of God whisper-"pray with him." In the next few steps I had a complete conversation with God about why that wasn't a good idea. It wasn't practical. I'd already passed him. Circling back might make him nervous and I KNOW it would make me uncomfortable. He had a GUN for heaven's sake! He was a stranger...He was a MALE stranger, etc. I didn't make it far before I did U Turn, saying in my head "I don't do this".
He was preparing to stand as I approached him and I spoke quickly as he rose to his feet. "I have learned to not argue when I have a nudge. May I pray with you?" "Yes ma'am".
And just like that I was doing a new thing. Holding hands and praying with a male stranger who had a cigar curled in the palm of his hand between his thumb and pointer finger and a rifle nearby.
I thanked God for His mercy and grace and love. I thanked Him that this man was willing to help ensure safety. I prayed for peace. I petitioned that everyone would go home to their families at the end of the day. When I finished I released the man's hands and opened my eyes. He was smiling. He told me thank you and we wished each other a good afternoon. As I walked away again I thought, "I don't do this"...and yet, I did do it. Not because it was something I was looking to do, or was comfortable doing, but because I have learned that obeying those nudges is far easier, regardless of how hard it is to follow through with, than living with regret or needing to repent.
All of that to say, we are living in a different world than any of us has ever faced and I think maybe God has new things for His people to do so beware: if you ask God to open your eyes and ears, be prepared for different types of opportunities that will make you uncomfortable as they challenge you and stretch you and grow your faith. Last week it was staying in my home and praying before and during the event. This week it was praying with a man on the sidewalk before the event. I am praying that my faith is bigger than my fear as I wait for the next step of obedience He asks me to take.
Another protest/march was scheduled for 2 today. At 11 there were very few people out and about so I decided it would be safe to get in my walk. As I traveled, I prayed over the route, the day and sang worship music. As I entered the home stretch I noticed a few people had gathered at the Veterans Park at the top of Main Street. I smiled and made eye contact with a gentleman standing at the entrance, but there was no smile in return. He was focused. As I rounded the last big corner toward home I saw a man sitting in a folding chair under a tree. As I got closer I noticed a rifle leaned against the arm of his red chair. Once again, I smiled and made eye contact, trying to convey I was a friend, not a foe. When I was within a few feet he spoke.
"It's a nice day to get in those steps." I agreed. As an afterthought I said over my shoulder, "be safe today" and as the words were coming out of my mouth I "heard" the Spirit of God whisper-"pray with him." In the next few steps I had a complete conversation with God about why that wasn't a good idea. It wasn't practical. I'd already passed him. Circling back might make him nervous and I KNOW it would make me uncomfortable. He had a GUN for heaven's sake! He was a stranger...He was a MALE stranger, etc. I didn't make it far before I did U Turn, saying in my head "I don't do this".
He was preparing to stand as I approached him and I spoke quickly as he rose to his feet. "I have learned to not argue when I have a nudge. May I pray with you?" "Yes ma'am".
And just like that I was doing a new thing. Holding hands and praying with a male stranger who had a cigar curled in the palm of his hand between his thumb and pointer finger and a rifle nearby.
I thanked God for His mercy and grace and love. I thanked Him that this man was willing to help ensure safety. I prayed for peace. I petitioned that everyone would go home to their families at the end of the day. When I finished I released the man's hands and opened my eyes. He was smiling. He told me thank you and we wished each other a good afternoon. As I walked away again I thought, "I don't do this"...and yet, I did do it. Not because it was something I was looking to do, or was comfortable doing, but because I have learned that obeying those nudges is far easier, regardless of how hard it is to follow through with, than living with regret or needing to repent.
All of that to say, we are living in a different world than any of us has ever faced and I think maybe God has new things for His people to do so beware: if you ask God to open your eyes and ears, be prepared for different types of opportunities that will make you uncomfortable as they challenge you and stretch you and grow your faith. Last week it was staying in my home and praying before and during the event. This week it was praying with a man on the sidewalk before the event. I am praying that my faith is bigger than my fear as I wait for the next step of obedience He asks me to take.
Thanks friend for sharing! Love you!