
Showing posts from November, 2020

the first snow... 335/366

living in a fog 334/366

33 days and counting 333/366

big blessings from little hands 331/366

Amazing Grace 330/366

Thanksgiving Eve 2020 329/366

gentle reminders for weary warriors 328/366

thanks giving when there's nothing in the situation to be thankful for 327/366

carded and complimented 326/366

change 325/366

breaking tradition 324/366

gifts that cannot be purchased are my favorites 323/366

sunset worship 322/366

sometimes the chart doesn't "work" 322/366

missing holding Bill's hand 321/366

the beauty of an "aha! I get it!" moment 320/366

Cades Cove and a day of unusual sights 319/366

what kind of friends are THESE? 318/366

Tennessee trippin' 317/366

when you know you are known...316/366

take a hike 315/366

the power of momentum 314/366