my friend, my sister (and my nieces) 312/366


6:56 PM 
my phone rings
it's Anita

I left her house close to 6:00
I hope I didn't forget anything at Tiff's and that things are okay
"Hey, do you want to go to Walmart?"

"Um, where are you?"
"We're at the light."
"Sure, let me put my soup in a cup and put on clean socks and my shoes."

my first ride in Tiffany's new vehicle, 
my first shopping experience with her and Kristy-
and a trip to Walmart with Anita without Ron was a first too

Anita and I went one way
the girls another
we finished at the same time

when we got to my house they helped me get my stuff in the house
and it hit me-
"this is what it would be like if my girls lived close"

random spur of the moment shopping trips
laughter and car chatter (which is often different from regular chatter)
girl time and shared french fries

I miss my daughters
I cherish the time we do get to spend together 
we do the things I did with Anita, Kristy and Tiffany tonight 
and I'm thankful for that,
I just wish it we lived close enough to do it more often

hmmm....since Anita is my sister
that makes her daughters my nieces
and while nieces aren't daughters
they are fun to hang out with too! 
Kristy lives away like my girls do,
but Tiffany lives close-
here's to more spur of the moment experiences with all the girls in my life
(daughters, granddaughters, sisters, nieces, friends)
multigenerational relationships are important, so very important


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