another first 313/366

Mr. Squirrel was laying in the road behind Waters Hall when I walked Saturday morning. I've seen dead squirrels before, but they've been flattened, it wasn't hard to determine the cause of their demise and I've had no desire to take a picture of them. This is the first one I've seen looking like a taxidermist has just finished working on it. I have absolutely no idea of what happened. From his wide open eyes and posture it appears he didn't see it coming either.

I didn't take this picture until my second lap. I only took it then because of thoughts that ran through my head after seeing it:

Things come out of nowhere and interrupt our plans. Often they are only an annoyance, sometimes they stun us, occasionally they stop us dead in our tracks. So far, neither you or I have been taken out completely or I wouldn't be writing and you wouldn't be reading. We still have living to do.

I need to be kind, patient gentle and loving with everyone. Including myself. 

Looks can be deceiving. (He looks like he is playing possum, but he isn't.)

Death can come unexpectedly. 

I want to live so that when I die those who are left alive have no doubt that when I took my last breath here on earth I took my first breath in the presence of Jesus and that I am home in heaven.


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