what kind of friends are THESE? 318/366

what kind of friends is this new group I am hanging out with?

these are sunrise
and sunset

and everything in between friends

the kind of friends who will join you in a walk before 7:00AM 
because they couldn't sleep either

or after 6:00PM, in the dark,
because they need to be outside too

the kind of friends who don't need an explaination
but are willing to listen if you want to talk

the kind of friends who trust you and you can trust enough to be vulnerable
with a mutual agreement that whatever is shared will go no farther

the kind of friends who joyfully work together on projects big and small
30+feet of hand tied garland was the latest

the kind of friends who go to NASCAR and ride go karts
so that two young boys have a great trip 

the kind of friends who have been married 30+ years
and still hold hands
the kind of friends you can cut up and belly laugh with
or cry with and be held by
the kind of friends who work together to prepare a meal
and work together to clean up afterward

these are the kind of friends you want to grow old with
because you know they will always have your back


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