the power of momentum 314/366

one gallon of white semi gloss exterior paint 
two paint brushes and a small roller
three exterior doors
four months, at least, of procrastination ended
five hours of work today
six projects done
steps taken to get there:
1. take paint to True Value to be reshaken because it sat so long
2. paint exterior door casings
3. paint outside trim of doorways
4. paint both sides of all exterior doors
5. install two pneumatic closers for driveway storm door 
6. paint outdoor nativity

final result:
not only are those lingering projects taken care of,
the top of the washer is clear
the shoe bench in the laundry room no longer holds paint and a roller
my mental list of "to do before winter" is completed
the power of simply doing the next thing ended up snowballing
it made my Monday a great mental health day


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