the beauty of an "aha! I get it!" moment 320/366

sometimes when I pray the Lord seems to be silent
sometimes He speaks so clearly it is impossible to mistake it is Him
I might not understand why He opens my thoughts
I might be tempted to ignore His nudge to do or call or text or go
but experience has taught me it is easier to simply to follow through

I had such an experience this evening
He gave me clarity about a situation a friend is in and whispered "call her"
I argued for about half a minute
decided I'd text her instead,
and couldn't do it

I called,
unsure of how I would be received and why I needed to call, now
but knowing if I didn't call I would be choosing disobedience
she answered within three rings 
and the beauty and richness of our conversation brought me to tears

as I was editing this post before sharing and read the lines:
"I might not understand why He opens my thoughts
I might be tempted to ignore His nudge to do or call or text or go" 
I could hear Him laugh, not at me or to belittle me, but out of sheer delight, 
much as a parent laughs with pleasure when their child experiences "aha! I get it!" 

almost every day I pray something like this:
"Lord, open my eyes to see, my ears to hear, my mind to understand, my arms to embrace, my hands to give. Please give me wisdom and discernment. 
Please enable me to love like You love..."
He is simply answering my prayers, in his way, in His time. I love being His.

"So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin."
James 4:17


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