beauty or danger?

this drew my attention yesterday afternoon
I thought the icicles were pretty so I snapped a picture
I saw what is below this afternoon and had different thoughts

add a little rain at the end of the second round
and my wide gutters were filled 
I heard rain dripping on my heating and air unit the other night
went out to check it
ice had formed on top of it and I scraped it off 

add a third round of
and snow
no temp above freezing
just enough warmth from the house I guess 
that moisture began to overflow
evening/night temps continue to plummet
adding strength to a danger I wasn't aware of

today I noticed them for the first time
the longest ones had grown to be at least three feet long
they were a hazard that wasn't welcome to hang around
so I raised the window,
removed the screen
took my little "lady hammer"
and slowly chiseled them, 
starting from the bottom and working my way up
farthest from the house to closest

I measured the fattest chunk I found on the ground when I was done
it is at least 4 inches thick
those things held serious injury potential
as I was working I wondered
"How many things are building up, overflowing,
lengthening in my life,
posing possible serious threats
that I am blissfully unaware of 
simply because I've not taken time to look out or look up."


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