they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day...

I've been overwhelmed by the love shown to me during these storms we've had
a surprise load of wood delivered
a Valentine's bouquet
phone calls and messages and "stop bys"
to make sure I was warm
to be certain I had food and water
to make sure I am okay-mentally, physically, emotionally

I received an unexpected call last night-
yet, the person who called has a history of calling "out of the blue", 
at just the right time
usually when I don't realize I need to hear from his family
I didn't have power when he called 
and this morning at 8:00 I received a call from his wife
"I have a hot breakfast cooking-can we bring you some?"
I told her I was fine, my power had been restored and I could cook something
she wouldn't take no for an answer and said a delivery was coming my way 

within 30 minutes I had company at my front door
two of their teenage girls, each carrying a gift
a skillet, wrapped in several bath towels to keep the food warm,
a brown paper sack
and a smaller towel wrapped parcel
in the skillet-ham slices, diced potatoes, scrambled eggs
in the bag-two oranges, colby longhorn cheese slices, buckeyes
in the smaller parcel-a pint of hot coffee
and questions, making sure there wasn't anything else I might need

after they left big ol' ugly tears came-
tears of release from pressures I didn't know had been building
tears of wonder at how God makes families
tears of thanksgiving for kindnesses shown
tears from being overwhelmed by love
they say breakfast is the most important meal of the day
today breakfast was the most important meal I've had all year...


  1. Your friends were being Jesus Next Door.

    1. they certainly were <3 I called to thank her after I ate and told her they were God's hands and feet to me.


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