tonight love is spelled T-Y-L-E-N-O-L

This was me late Saturday morning.
Right before I left the house to do a thing I knew I needed to do,
but didn't necessarily want to do.
 This was the thing.
My arm was a little sore Saturday evening,
but other than that, I felt good.
Then came Sunday.
I woke up with a slight headache and achy joints.
Normal for me, especially with rain falling.
But, as the day wore on and I moved about,
it didn't get better.
I started to run a low grade fever.
Nothing I couldn't handle.
By 9:12 pm, too late to go to a store,
I realized I needed to take something.
because I was feeling more like this:

I checked to make sure ibuprofen was okay-
it is my pain reliever of choice so I have plenty.
Tylenol is a better choice according to the experts.
I don't own even one capsule of Tylenol.
But my friends Aaron and Emily do.
At 9:45, 
in spite of the continuing pouring rain,
 I received a personal delivery to my driveway porch door.
I am well loved.

"Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends."  
John 15:13
I know there are others of you who would have helped, but some of you are flooded in, some live too far away, and it was past bedtime for others. They were at the top of the list this time because of those factors. If you are getting the COVID vaccine, and you don't have Tylenol on hand, pick some up, just in case you need it. 
Also, that second picture is of my great grandmother when she was 92 years old. 
Not bad. 
Unless you are only 61...


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